Fill Out the Form to Begin
Which best describes your organization?
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Which best describes your organization? Commercial & Industrial
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Which best describes your organization? Mission Critical
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Which best describes your role?
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What is the State of your primary location?
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Note: We use this to determine market rates and eligibility for regional incentives. If your State is not included please schedule time with us to receive a preliminary estimate for your business.
Please share a bit more about your energy needs.
Note: It’s helpful to have a utility bill on hand if you don’t know how much energy you use each year.
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How many KW does your facility use each year?
What is your annual peak load?
Help Me Estimate This
2,100,000 Annual Electricity Use (kWh)400 Annual Peak Load
4,200,000 Annual Electricity Use (kWh)800 Annual Peak Load
8,400,000 Annual Electricity Use (kWh)1600 Annual Peak Load
16,800,000 Annual Electricity Use (kWh)3200 Annual Peak Load
How many times did your facility experience power loss in the past year?
What was the value of that lost time?
Do you plan to lease our equipment or buy it?
Note: We protect your information, and this data will only be used for the sole purpose of addressing your inquiry. Please refer to e2Companies’ privacy policy here.

Estimated One-Time Cost of Ownership
Add 25K for Operation and Maintenance and additional value from bonus depreciation dependent upon buyer’s eligibility and other factors, consult a tax advisor.

Uptime Savings (Annual)
In addition, the IRA provides a tax credit bonus of 10% (total = 40%) for projects located in ‘Energy Communities.’ call us to learn if you also qualify for up to 40% tax credits based on your location.

Demand Response ROI (Annual)
Unfortunately, based on current utility rates for your location, there is limited opportunity for utility bill savings. However, utility rates change frequently, so bookmark this page and check back frequently! There are many other advantages with Virtual Utility® such as EV Charging and the Integration of on-site Renewables. Reach out here to learn more about how we can Make Things Work® for you.

Estimated Utility Bill Savings (Annual)
Please click here to schedule time with us here to receive a preliminary estimate for your business.
Unfortunately, based on current utility rates for your location, there is limited opportunity for utility bill savings. However, utility rates change frequently, so bookmark this page and check back frequently! There are many other advantages with Virtual Utility® such as EV Charging and the Integration of on-site Renewables. Reach out here to learn more about how we can Make Things Work® for you.

Eligible Benefits (Annual)
In addition, the IRA provides a tax credit bonus of 10% (total = 40%) for projects located in ‘Energy Communities.’ call us to learn if you also qualify for up to 40% tax credits based on your location.

Power Factor Advantage
Greater than 99% power efficiency with the R3Di® system acting as a UPS. This creates additional energy savings for your business with the utility, based on having a demand side power factor as close to 1.0 as possible.